- 2 oz maximum strength bottle
- Immediately removes toxins from saliva
- Lasts for 60 minutes
- Eliminates bad breath
Mouthwashes designed for dry mouth, especially ones with xylitol, can be effective, such as Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse or Act Dry Mouth Mouthwash, which also offer protection against tooth decay. Saliva Cleansing Mouthwash is a safe natural part of your total body detoxification. It will easily and immediately remove all toxins from your mouth. Instant Acting. Saliva Cleansing Mouthwash is a cleansing liquid that will cleanse your saliva for a 45 minute period. It Instant Flush is effective in even the toughest cleansing situations, Instant Flush liquid will effectively cleanse you of all toxins and is an effective cleanse for your blood, urine, and saliva. Ultimate Gold comes in both 16 oz and 20 oz bottles. The 16 oz is maximum strength for most body styles.
you can also check our product: Vale Detox Cleansing Capsule – 1 Unit
Read more about mouthwashes: what is mouthwash
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